Amorim Cork

Towards the future with Amorim Cork

The determination to make a difference and a commitment guided by shared values are the cornerstones of a courageous path towards a healthier and more sustainable environment.

We have wanted to do our part by partnering with Amorim Cork in reducing the environmental impact of our products with the aim of improving the quality of life for future generations.

The CO2 balance study by PricewaterhouseCoopers and/or EY fully captures the spirit of this vision.

Every action can make a difference. Every choice can make a difference. We believe in this project and in the extraordinary result achieved so far. In the twelve-month period from 1 January to 31 December 2023, Anna Spinato Winery contributed to the sequestration of 134.4 tonnes of CO2 through the purchase and use of cork stoppers.

We are convinced that today’s responsible choices can determine tomorrow’s better future and we are committed to this path, which must be supported by everyone. Starting with us.